CHQ NEWS 1-8-2014 to 3-8-2014
3rd Augusut, 2014
Yesterday, S/s. P Gangadhara Rao (AGS), A S Ramachandraiah (Dy CS, Karnataka) and B Murthy (ACS, Karnataka) met Shri Sadananda Gowda, the Hon'ble Minister for Railways,
and sought his intervention to settle our case of 78.2% IDA.
Shri Gowda gave a patient hearing and assured his help to settle the case. We are thankful to him.
Com. K S Jat (AI Org. Secretary), R K Tiwari (Circle President), N P Jaiswal (Circle Secretary),
S R ALi etc are seen in the picture.
SUCCESSFUL MP CIRCLE CONFERENCEMP Circle Conference was held in Bhopal on 31st July 2014.
Shri R K Tiwari presided over. New team of office-bearers was elected unanimously:
President: .... Shri R K Tiwari, Jabalpur
Circle Secretary: ... Shri. M C Sharma, Bhopal
Treasurer: ... Shri. S L Srivastava, Bhopal
A WELCOME MOVEPM encourages self certification in place of affidavits and attestations
to benefit the common man
• All Union Ministries and State Governments asked to make provision
for self-certification and abolition of affidavits, not required by law
• PM steps in to reform the public service delivery system, bridge governance deficit
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has sought minimum use of affidavits and shift to self-certification,
so as to benefit the common man.
In a citizen-friendly initiative, all Ministries and Departments of the Union Government, and all State Governments,
have been asked to make provision for self-certification of documents in place of affidavits.
The requirement of attestation by Gazetted Officer is also sought to be replaced by self-certification by the citizen.
Under the self-certification method, the original documents are required to be produced at the final stage.
The Prime Minister, during his meeting with all Union Secretaries on June 4th, 2014,
had spoken of reforming the public service delivery system, and bridging the governance deficit.
This measure is a start in that direction. It is expected to benefit the people immensely,
as all affidavits not required by law shall eventually be done away with.
In communications addressed to all Secretaries of the Union Government as well as the Chief Secretaries of States/Administrators of Union Territories, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
has noted that “obtaining either an attested copy or affidavit not only costs money to the poor citizen
but also involves wastage of time of the citizens as well as of the Government officials.”
The Department has called for a review of the existing requirement of affidavits and attestation
by Gazetted Officers, and replacement by self-certification.
In case of false self-certification, relevant provisions under the Indian Penal Code would apply.
Pension of Ex-MPs is set to rise up to 75% –
Monthly pension for ex-MPs may increased to Rs. 35,000 from Rs. 20,000
Former MPs, whose pensions were last revised in 2009, may now see a hefty hike in their retirement benefits. Government sources told HT that the monthly pension for ex-MPs is likely to go up to Rs. 35,000 a month from Rs. 20,000 a month — a 75% hike.
A major breakthrough in pensions for ex-MPs came under the first NDA government, led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee when they introduced pension for all MPs irrespective of their tenure.
Earlier, only MPs who had completed a 5-year term were entitled to post-retirement benefits.
The Modi government is also set to increase the rate of additional pension for each completed year in excess of five years. The centre is considering additional pension of Rs. 2,000 per month instead of the current rate of Rs. 1,500.
In other words, if a parliamentarian has served for seven years, he or she will get monthly four thousand additional pension on the top of his basic pension of Rs. 35,000.
Sitting MPs, who have received routine hikes to keep up with inflation, currently get a salary of `50,000 per month. The additional perks and allowances include Rs. 45,000 per month as constituency allowance, Rs. 2,000 daily if he attends parliament and Rs. 30,000 for secretarial assistance, among other things.
Parliament’s nod is required to enhance the former MPs’ pension. Government sources added that the legal amendments will be brought in the winter session after inter-ministerial consultations.
In sync with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s thrust on welfare of women, the definition of “dependents” for family pension will also include divorced or widowed daughters of former MPs.
The government is also mulling the option of providing family pension for a much longer period of time after the MPs demise.
The pension for former MPs was introduced during the tenure of Indira Gandhi — Rs. 3,000 per month — but only for those who completed a term in Parliament.
In 2009, UPA government enhanced it to Rs. 20,000 per month.
Source: Hindustan Times
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