
Monday 17 August 2015


                                        com DG ADDRESSING
The Chennai T raffic SSA meeting was held  at Chennai Pazavanthangal on 8/8/2015  under the Presidentship of Com. S. Sampathkumar, Vice President.  Com M. Gbouse Basha Secretary welcomed all. He Informed that our District President Com. R. Ranganathan could  not attend due  to a major operation done  for hiis wife Mrs. Kousalya ( also  our  member ) and wished speedy recovery.  He announced a list of 6 new members and said all  are  joining because of  our consistant work for the welfare of the pensioners at all  levels. He pointed out the steps taken at All India Level for 78.2 and ourinclusion  in the 7th CPC. He appealed to the Delegates/visitors elected to give Rs.800/- to the District towards  Delegate fees. Also apealed to give Rs.50 towards AIC fund those  members  who  have  not so far given. 
Com.  V. Rama Rao Circle Secretary, TN explained  the happending  on 3rd to 6th August 15 at New Delhi by our leaders  Com. PSR  DG  GN  Gangadhar Rao, Gunasekaran, R.L. Kapoor and Sisodia.  On 78.2 issue the delay was pinned and sought to expedite. Reg our inclusion in 7th CP
C our Association letter has not been forwarded to 7th CPC office by DoT and; this  fact was brought to the notice of the Secretary DoT and  we hope that  would be sent early .

Com.  D.G.spoke in detail  ( Details  see in our web and also  e mail sent ) the meeting with Director (HR) and learnt  CORPORATE OFFICE IS CONSIDERING A COMPREHENSIVE  MEDICALAIM POLICY FOR INPATIENT TREATMENT  and the Pensioners interest would  be taken care of.
When  we requested that  pensioners be considered for restoration of BSNL MRS without voucher administration said review can be done both for pensioners and serving employees only. On the question of allotment of quarters for the family pensioners they have agreed to look in to the matter. Restricting locall calls only for rent -free connection  in Karnataka Circle the Director said a note is being prepared for BSNL Board"s consideratioon.  on 78.2 the delay and non receipt of reply from DoE, Law, and DPE and was discussed in detail and expressed our concern to which Secretary reploied he will keep the concern of the pensioners in  mind and expedite the same.   Our leaders also cautioned about the delay in payment in earlier pre-2007   revision and wanted time frame to all  ccas and a ready recokenr towhich Secretary said it shall be monitored  and strict instructions  not to deviate.  As regards our demand of same fitment forumula before 7th CPC the memorandum submitted was forwarded by 7th CPC on 15/1/2015  seeking actual position and till date the DoT has not replied to 7th CPC. Immediately the secretary called the Member ( Services)  who in turn checkedup with DDG (Esttt) and assured a reply would be sent shortly.  We have requested to include our Association in  the  list of "identified Pensioners" the administration agreed to consider on submission of  details of our Association registration, audited accounts, number of members and a copy of our constitutio0hn etc. which  our leaders has agreed to send by speed post. Our leaders Met Hon. Minister for Chemical and  Fertiliser seeking  in intervention with Ministry of Expenditure for for early reply on 78.2. The  Minister tried to contact Secretary DoE but was not available due some  meeting. We have  extended our  invitation  to the Hon.. Minister for Communications  at  his office, but could not  meet due  meeting.  We have also invited CMD BSNL Sri.. Anupam Srivatsava. 
We have also requested Member (F) to attend our AIC at Bangalore.  We are very glad to inform that Secretary, DoP & PW Shri Devendra Choudhary has readily agreed to attend our AIC at Bangalore and after a discussion he wanted a copy of our Memorandum to 7th CPC  and also wanted a brief which  our leaders have agreed to send by e mail. After the receipt of the same the Secretary DOP & PW has suggested to meet him after 15 days after getting an appointment. 
Really our leaders have done a lot of work on  3, 4, 5, and 6th August 2015 on the pendiing issues
like 78.2, our inclusion in kthe 7th CPC,  listing our associati9on as " identified pensioners Association"
The Chennai Traffic Branch congratulates all our ALL India office Bearers for their splendid swift work done on jthese 4  days and no other Association has taken so  much of efforts to push the pending cases.

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