On 10th June 2013, the serving staff of BSNL got the benefit of 50% IDA merger in pay for their pay revision - effectively amounting to 78.2% IDA. Pensioners are still awaiting the same benefit for pension revision.
Secretary (T) told our Delegation yesterday in Bengaluru that he is dealing the case with topmost priority. He assured that he would immediately clear the file pending for his signature since 1-6-2016. Let us hope that he will honour his assurance next week, as soon as he comes back to New Delhi.
Number of pensioners bid farewell to this world without getting the benefit during the last three years.
Ministers are changed, Secretaries are changed. But, we the pensioners are the same people, still alive, waiting and waiting. Patience too has a limit.
Today at 4.45 PM a Delegation of AIBSNLPWA, consisting of Com. P Gangadhara Rao (Dy GS), Com. G Babu (Vice President), Com. R Changappa (CS, Karnataka) and B Murthy (ACS Karnataka), met Shri J S Deepak IAS, Secretary (Telecom) and Chairman of Telecom Commission who was in Bangalore. Our Delegation handed over a letter to Secretary requesting him to clear the file on 78.2% immediately.Secretary (T) was very courteous while informing the leaders that our case is being dealt on top most priority. He assured that he will clear the file immediately.
Secretary further requested the Delegation to advocate digital Life Certificate by all our members.
In JCM a decision was taken in 2003 to grant one extra increment
to those Grade III officials who did not get promotion to Grade IV. The benefit
was given with effect from 1-6-2003. The order was very
specific. The extra increment thus granted would be counted for
fixing pension. But, seven CCA offices refused to count the extra increment
quoting certain rules. Kerala CCA was one among them.
After all attempts to have a settlement failed, Kerala Circle
Unit of AIBSNLPWA along with five affected members filed a case in CAT
Ernakulam. Justice Mr P R Raman gave very strong judgement on 15th March
2012 asking the DoT to revise the pension of the applicants counting the said
extra increment as pay.
Department refused to honour the judgement and filed an appeal
in High Court of Kerala. High Court rejected the appeal. Still
the DoT refused to honour court order. Then Our Circle Association
filed a Contempt of Court Petition. It is accepted in the file by
Court. It will come up soon for hearing.
Sensing another defeat, the Directorate finally has asked the
CCA Kerala to grant the benefit to only those five Pensioners who were
applicants in the original Petition. Some of them got the revision order today.
Few hundreds pensioners in seven Circles are affected by the
wrong attitude of CCAs and Directorate. It seems the Directorate
wants all the affected people should file cases in CAT. Our
Association has already taken the case with Directorate for issuance of general
orders. They have to issue a general order because AIBSNLPWA is the
first Applicant in the Case.
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