AIC Reception Committee Bangalore
cordially invites All BSNL Pensioners
located at Bangalore and nearby places for
the Open Session of our 2nd Triennial All
India Conference.
Date : 21.11.2015 Saturday, at 11 AM
LUNCH: 1.00 PM
Venue: Dr B R Ambedkar Bhavana
Vasantnagar Bangalore 52
AIC Reception Committee Bangalore
cordially invites All BSNL Pensioners
located at Bangalore and nearby places for
the Open Session of our 2nd Triennial All
India Conference.
Sri Ananthkumar
Hon'ble Central Minister for Chemicals &
Fertilisers is the Chief Guest.
Hon'ble Central Minister for Chemicals &
Fertilisers is the Chief Guest.
National and International Leaders of Pensioners
Movement will share the Dias with CGM
and CCA Karnataka.
Movement will share the Dias with CGM
and CCA Karnataka.
They will address the most important issues like 78.2% IDA
merger w.e.f. 10.6.2013.
merger w.e.f. 10.6.2013.
Future revision of our pension, every 10 years (2017, 2027 and so on...)
and probable solutions.
Please do not miss the opportunity.
Date : 21.11.2015 Saturday, at 11 AM
LUNCH: 1.00 PM
Venue: Dr B R Ambedkar Bhavana
Vasantnagar Bangalore 52
Reception Committee has made exclusive arrangement of accommodation for lady comrades attending our AIC in Bangalore. The accommodation is in Sardar Patel Bhavan, very near to the meting hall. This accommodation can not be shared by men.
Hence, couples coming for the AIC may arrange their luggage separately so that they can independently stay. Reception Committee has arranged hotel rooms for those couples who wanted it.
Those who did not intimate this requirement have to make their own arrangement.
Com. Dharmarajan, District Sercretary of AIBSNLPWA, Madurai SSA (Tamilnadu) informs that the total paid up membership of his district Unit has reached 1536. 1202 Annual and 334 Life members
Very regular, systematic functioning of the team of leaders in Madurai has gained the confidence of Pensioners and hence this unique achievement.
The District branch has sent Rs 45000 to the Reception Committee for our ensuing All India Conference in Bangalore, donated by 900 members.
Congratulations to Com.Dharmarajan and his team.
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