DAIS: Comrades D Balasubramanian (AIFPA CHennai), Lekhnath Gautam (REAN Nepal), Ram Saran Wagle (REAN Nepal), Mohan Bahadur KC (Vice President, Trade Union International P&R), PSR, DG, GN, Gunasekaran and G Babu are in the picture.
Com. G Natarajan, GS speaks
Com D. Gopalakrishnan gave a brief speech explaining mainly two of our major demands of 78.2% IDA Pension Revision and future pension revision in front of him.
Com. Muthiyalu Organising Secretary speaks

Madurai SSA Branch having the highest membership was honoured with shield
Madurai SSA Branch having the highest membership was honoured with shield
Shri Ananthakumar is being received by Com. Changappa, Com. Gangadhara Rao and
Com. G Babu
I AM WITH YOU", says Honourable Minister
Shri Ananthkumar
Sri Ananthakumar, Honourable Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers attended our second All India Conference at Bangalore on 22-11-15 evening. Com. P S Ramankutty Speaks.
Honourable Minister asked our leaders to meet him in New Delhi on 30-11-15. He assured that he would again intervene to settle our cases.
He told that his father was a retired Railway Pensioner and so he knows the problems of the pensioners mentioning that even his father fought for a pension revision. When he questioned his father why he is doing for this small amount his father told him that the pension revision is his entitlement and he is not fighting this case for himself alone but for the benefit for the entire railway pensioners.
He asked our leaders that we should conduct a "78.2% IDA PENSION REVISION SUCCESS CONFERENCE" soon and assured that he will participate in it also.
Our leaders put up a demand to the minister for a office accommodation for our association in New Delhi by the Government. He told that it is must for a All India association like BSNL pensioners and he will take initiation for the same also. He asked our leaders to use his office premises in New Delhi for our Association till the accommodation is provided by the Government .
The Minister Sri Ananthakumar showed keen interest in our problems and he assured all his help to solve our problems.

A view of the Delegates

Com DG with leaders of Pensioners movement from Nepal and A view of the Delegates
Com. D Balasubramanian of AIFPA, Chennai
We also thank our Karnataka comrades and the reception Committee under the leadership of Comrades Babu, Gangadhara Rao & Chengappa for their EXCELLENT arrangements for accommodation, food, Conference Hall.
The Conference was a big success with 747 delegates including 25 women delegates.
Com.P S Ramankutty and Com. G. Natarajan re-elected as President and General Secretary.
Other office bearers are:
Vice Presidents:
Com. D Gopalakrishnan, Tamilnadu
Com. K R G Durgaprasad Rao, AP
Com. S R Sinha, Bihar,
Com. (Mrs) T S Pillai, Jharkhand
Com. G Babu, Karnataka
Com. (Mrs) A P Saraswathy
Com. J K Tripathy, Odisha
Com. R H Mitkary, Nagpur, Mah
Com. M R Das, Silchar, Asam
Dy. GS
Com. P Gangadhara Rao, Karnataka
Com. T S Vittoban, Chennai
Asst. Treasurer:
Com. V Rama Rao, Tamilnadu
Asst. General Secretaries:
Com. V V S Murthy, AP
Com. S K Jain, Chhatisgarh
Com. R C Malhotra, Delhi
Com. J S Dahya, Haryana
Com. K S Jt, MP
Com. Gyan Singh, Rajasthan
Com. S Arunachalam, Tamilnadu
Com. M D Saraf, UP East
Com. Sher Singh, UP West
Organising Secretaries:
Com. N Adinarayana, AP
Com. B K Brahmbhatt, Gujarat
Com. Chandrika singh, Jharkhand
Com. K G Deshpande, Karnataka
Com. V S Thakur, MP
Com. Atma Ram Verma, Punjab
Com. K Muthiyalu, Tamilnadu
Com. Ranjit Mukherjee, West Bengal
Legal Committee members are: Com. D Gopalakrishnan, R H MItkary and R L Kapoor.
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