
Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Till 4.45 PM yesterday (9-2-2016) the File is with new Secretary, Telecom.
Being a cabinet Note, the Secretary is responsible for  any mistake or factual error and hence  he will sign the papers only after studying the same.  He has taken over few days back only.  
As far as we are concerned  it is an old case, delayed and delayed in Sanchar Bhavan.
‘contempt of Court’ on One extra Increment case..

One extra Increment was granted to Grade III officials who did not get promotion to Grade IV.   CCAs in seven Circles refused to count this extra increment as pay while fixing pension.  Their plea was that with this extra increment the pay crossed maximum of the pay scale and hence  it can not be taken as pay.
Kerala circle Unit of our Association and four members filed a case in CAT, Ernakulam.   On 15-3-2012 the CAT gave a judgement and asked DoT to re-fix pension counting the extra increment even if the pay exceeded the maximum of pay scales.  Four months time was given to implement their order.It was not honoured.
As directed by the Directorate of DoT, the Kerala CCA filed an appeal in High Court. In July 2015, the High Court dismissed the appeal. Even after seven months, the Court order is not honoured. Directorate has not given any instruction to CCA, Kerala despite repeated requests.
Finding no alternative, our Association has filed a ‘contempt of Court’ petition against the DoT and CCA etc. The High Court has accepted the petition on 8-2-2016.

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